Creation is easy, just ask God. You need a few mental tools and a desire to feel safe or happy, I have a problem separating these two when I am fearful. We each have our own wonderful mind, working obsessively on creating sensational worlds or to feel life as deep as possible, but the imperfections and divergent experiences are creating our world on infinite conflicting viewpoints. A Mind is using at least one human body to conquer and fill up more empty space, there is always empty space, the infinite is granting this wish to a creative mind. The virgin space is populated with an intricate structural hierarchy to serve the master’s (you) new desires or to solve problems of the spaces occupied in the past and left for others to deal with. You do create in your own image, imagination is reacting, firstly, to reflections of thought like mirrors but… as life is used to challenge you, annoyingly often, reflections are returning blurred, most of the time. Knowing this, creations need time, care and hard work to be clarified. All creations are running on fear in the beginning, they do need fear to justify mistakes and, furthermore, fear is vital to expansion because we strive for success, not failure. When the Mind is busy working, the Body is taking charge in the background, working based on past experiences – the physical desires will be taking over. The Mind is now imprisoned by its shell, and the shell might be obese, sexually obsessed, heavily armed and angry on all the other minds, all the bloody time. The Mind is easily tricked into serving the Body and convinced into thinking that “me” and “I” must be served separately, and be in constant battle with each other. The heart is there to mediate the war between the Logic and Feeling, and since desires are the strongest feelings a human can have, the heart and the mind must work together in finding the truth and this way keeping the existence healthy and creation away from destructive behaviors.
Every time the Body rests its breathing, it’s handing over the work of creation back to Mind. Convince yourself to Create because of Courage and Curiosity instead of Fear.
Roberto Palu
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