The doctor is slapping your minuscule ass for money. The moment you draw breath in this world, taxes, fines and interest rates are being allocated for your convenience. Stop your whining and sign the money deal if you want to enjoy the prosperity on this world. Be lucky that your mother did see you as another human being and not a wart inside of her-body-her-choice thing. On your way to happiness you must acquire assurance, bank deals, standardized health and education, houses, cars, food, land, air, water, clothing and many more, but be sure to love your country to death at all times. Add to each of them taxes for the state, for the other state and all the state’s subsidiaries. If you do exactly as we tell you, you will succeed in life and we will be happy for your service. Our services of education and health will keep you on your way and it will be just enough to keep you alive. You must earn enough money to pay for all the services, including police, army and secrete services. They will make sure you will not blow things out of proportion and ruing it for everybody. Be quiet, do as you are told and don’t ask stupid questions. No, you can’t go back. I told you, no stupid questions.
No, they don’t need your money. they need you to need money, wake up!
Roberto Palu
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